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Are you looking for some particular 80's item that you did not see featured on the site? Please do a search for it at the top of this page before contacting us. It might actually be here after all!
Did you buy something through this site that you have a question about? is a third-party service and not directly involved in any sale. Please contact the eBay seller directly.
Did we leave something out that should be featured? Perhaps that old toy that Grandma bought you back in 1985 or that one-hit wonder band you couldn't convince anybody else to love like you did? No big surprise there given that the decade lasted 10 years and we couldn't possibly include everything. However, if you feel strongly about something we left out, and you did a search on the site and verified that there is no page for it, then send us a note. Who knows. We just may created a page for it and give you credit.
If for some unlikely reason you need to contact us through the mail, write to:
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