Wild Horses

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Wild Horses Hair Metal Band

Wild Horses was an early 90's metal band made up of former Buster Brown, Montrose and Kingdom Come bandmates.  This version of Wild Horses should not be confused with the British band that used the same name from the 1970's and early 1980's.  Before their first release, Johnny Edwards (the vocalist) was replaced with John Levesque from the band Shout.  Levesque became the voice on the band two releases.  Wild Horses released their first album in 1991 (Bareback).

Soon after the release of their first album, members went onto other projects (such as Warrant) and the band split.  Years later, Wild Horses came back together for a second release (Dead Ahead in 2003).  Levesque had the perfect voice for metal and we highly recommend this band.  It is one of the view metal albums where the beat of all the songs is conducive to dancing (or at least head bobbing).  The Wild Horses Discography is as follows:

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  • 1991: Bareback
  • 2003: Dead Ahead