Three Men and a Baby

Three Men and a Baby Movie Poster

"Peter, Michael and Jack know a thing or two about women.  But when it comes to babies, they're all wet.  They change her diapers.  She changed her lives".  Three Men and a Baby, released in 1987 and directed by Spock, starred Tom Selleck as Peter Mitchell, Steve Guttenberg as Michael Kellam, and Ted Danson as Jack Holden.  The movie was based on a 1985 French film titled Trois homes et un couffin (Three Men and a Cradle).  This movie was the biggest box office hit of 1987, and it received mostly positive reviews from critics.  In the end, it made Touchstone Pictures a ton of money, and was popular enough to warrant a sequel.  Three Men and a Little Lady was released in 1990, and although it did not do as well as its predecessor both at the box office and with critics, it was still profitable.  At the time of this writing, there was still the possibility of a third installment titled Three Men and a Bride.

In this movie, three bachelor roommates (Peter, Michael, Jack) are enjoying their lives as they work during the day and party at night.  One day, they find a baby girl (Mary) on their door step, which ended up being the product of a fling between Jack and one of his female conquests.  At the time Mary was dropped off, Jack was filming on location in another part of the world, so Peter and Michael were required to take over paternal duties, of which they knew nothing.  At the same time, before Jack left, he agreed to allow one of his friends to deliver a package to his apartment while he was away, that would be picked up by others later.  Unbeknownst to them all, the package contained heroin, and it was drug dealers who arrived to pick it up.  After a mix up, the drug dealers end up with powdered sugar, the heroin is hidden in the apartment, and the police put the apartment under surveillance.

When Jack returns, and takes over fatherly duties, the three bachelors then run a sting on the drug dealers, in order to prove their innocence to police.  In the end, Mary’s mother, who was about to take Mary to England, is convinced to stay in New York, and she is invited to live with the three bachelor’s.  Everyone supposedly lives happily ever after.

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