Golden Girls, The
The Golden Girls was a popular and award winning comedy that ran from 1985 to 1992 on NBC. This show was based on the relationships of four retired/divorced/widowed women living together in Miami. There was Dorothy (Bea Arthur), Rose (Betty White), Blanche (Rue McClanahan), and Sophia (Estelle Getty). Many of you will remember their neighbors, the Weston family, who NBC used to create a spin-off series called Empty Nest. By series end, it had one a couple of Emmy Awards and a number of Golden Globes.
Fans of the show will remember that the episodes were primarily about the dynamics between the girls, their neighbors, and other characters of the show. Each character has a distinct personality and lives a full life. For example, the first episode had Blanche (McClanhan) at the alter to be married to her boyfriend, only to find out in the nick of time that he was a polygamist. In another episode, the girls try to cope with a burglary at their home, fearing the burglars will return and wondering what happened to their prized valuables. The final episode has the ladies making plans to find new living arrangements, as Dorothy gets married again.