Out Run / Turbo Out Run
Outrun was released by Sega in 1986. The game was a huge success, and one of the first to feature a moving game cabinet, difficulty settings, and musical option choices. There were also stand-up versions of the game available. For this reason, it often cost 2 to 4 quarters to play. The player controlled a Ferrari from a third person perspective, trying to reach the end of a level by beating the clock to various checkpoints. If time runs out, or the player reaches the end of the stage, the game ended.
Turbo Outrun, a 1989 sequel to Outrun, was essentially the same game, but a bit more advanced as far as graphics and gameplay went. Three of the biggest differences between the two games were that the player was racing across the USA against a computer generated opponent driving a Porsche 959, a new turbo speed option was available, and the Ferrari could be upgraded. Both of these games were released in various forms for home systems like the Sega Genesis.